Here are a few recently bundled smudge wands. They adore being photographed! They are quite important you know, little friends who pack a huge punch.
Can't make a purchase at this time? Visit our FAQs to read all about how to bundle your own, the link is available on our home page.
Can't make a purchase at this time? Visit our FAQs to read all about how to bundle your own, the link is available on our home page.
Thank you for visiting our gardens' blog! We are very happy to share with you our experiences, and excited to chat about what's happening in our lives, and what is on the way. Thank you for thinking of us! We are thinking of you as well (✿◠‿◠)
New Jersey has received much rain. Some plants are unable to produce in great quantity, such as rosemary, lavender, Tibetan and white sage, yarrow, roses, larkspur and meadowsweet. Even sweetgrass is tired of being damp. This changes what will be dried in quantity for winter use. Throwing off the balance of our seasonal planning system calls for solutions, which are costly. Our efforts to create temporary housing for outdoor plants to lengthen their production time through late fall into early winter will not wait, the rain is a game changer. Last year we used social media to drum up additional sales and trades for donations toward the hot house materials. This year we are no longer using social media. Our blog is our main communication.
We swim through our days! Our tiny cottage is strong, a true hero. But the main area where we grow much of what will be used for fresh bundling botanicals during the cold months (or shall I say the cold half of the year) requires a second major project to further protect the structure. Our home was built from reclaimed bits and pieces during the 20s and 30s, and it needs much love and attention to keep everything in sync. This brings decisions to be made about how our family will continue with our sacred smudge bundling service. Change is coming! Keep an eye out for all types of new things made available through this dot com. As we have mentioned in previous years, we are not pleased with eBay or with Etsy. They are not the best possible match for what we offer to the spiritual community. In months to come our family may move away from using those sites, and you will experience more times when our Etsy shop is unavailable while in vacation mode. We would like to offer you other ways to shop with us. Many clients speak of desires to avoid internet shopping, where purchases and user data can be compiled to be used for less than positive purposes. We hear you and we understand. We agree. Options are coming.
We must increase sales to support our ability to continue sustainable gardens, indoors and out. We also must acquire funds to work with another family who helps keep us supplied with supplementary roses while our own bushes produce less than what is needed. In addition we are also working with an amazing lady who shares the most magnificent, high vibrating petals when our own flowers are feeling wiped out. We are so thankful to have found the perfect people to help support our service!
The New Jersey rain has even changed how we forage. The gathering places in areas still closely watched over by ancients are mostly unreachable at this time, as mud and rock avalanches make hikes very dangerous. Same goes for crystal collection. When we are unable to gather our own minerals we must travel very far to those who supply us with high vibrating pieces. Each crystal must be communicated with before it is selected. More traveling, more work.
More buying of materials for our service is what forced us to raise prices, several times in 2018. We will not raise them again. Instead, we have Great Ideas Cooking!
Please do send us happy vibrations for our plants and for our crystals, they work so hard for all of us.
Many thanks to those who have shared messages with us showing appreciation for our work. You truly help keep us going during the more difficult days.
Be sure to speak with the weather, we all have the power to calm it down and to ask for clear and sunny skies.
Time is tricky for us, we must pick and choose what to place our energy and our efforts into. You will notice that our listings, general online shop information, and seasonal blog posts require updates which we cannot seem to find time for. I have thousand of wand photos to share but not enough time to crop and upload photos. We also do not wish to spend many minutes at a computer. Nature is where it is at! The time has come to unplug from an electronic world and to plug in to our inner selves and universal energy instead! Doing so will work hand and hand with our upcoming mail order option, for those clients wishing to remain offline during today's changing energies. So many of us do not want to participate much with the internet, we prefer the innernet.
Remember, when you wish for change you must demonstrate efforts yourself. In doing so you send out a wave of consciousness, inspiring others.
Your own work will always attract assistance from high vibrating beings, our earth guardians and soul helpers. They are with us ALWAYS! No person is ever alone!
This is the sort of thing which I used to teach on social media, before the negativity swooped in and made the internet the ignorance net. There is so much confusion and frustration online. How can one surf the web without picking up on so much negativity? Yuck. So, think your thoughts and aim them out into the world. Stand near a crowd and "teach" important subjects using your thought energy. You Can and You Will! I have planted the seed, go have fun with your new Thought Garden ✿
Back to our own Thought Garden...Whenever planning big projects we like to take our time so that we may absorb any available assistance and guidance from the celestial helpers, and from source or spirit. That said, we've been nudged to present sale after sale, encouraging those who may need a little incentive. This will continue, we enjoy the sales.
Today we discounted all of the bulk sets in our Etsy shop, you'll see ten percent off those listings.
Watch for single wand discounts coming soon.
When we were still on social media I was able to share with you more freely as things or events occurred. I enjoy connecting. I lack time for that now, but wish to reconnect in the future by way of this blog or another, we shall see! Perhaps some form of newsletter, but by actual snail mail maybe? If you like this idea of receiving letters from us, clap your hands and say YES as loud as you can so I will "hear" you.
This post rattles on so long that I may have forgotten all which I wished to share.
Fall comes soon, plant something. Buy the sad little plants who are dying in the nurseries. Your love will make them grow strong. Blow on your plants, talk to your plants, touch your plants. A little sweat or tears in your gardens' dirt goes a long way in helping your plants help you. Play music for them, something you can produce yourself with an instrument, or simply use your voice. They love this! Not sure how to start a fall garden? Ron Finley is your man, borrow from his energy, and as he says just "Plant some shit". You can't go wrong! Plants love to grow in your windows, or on furniture where there is good light. Hang planters from the ceiling. Trail ivy along your walls. Certain plants help with EMFs, radiation, and bad juju. All plants help us live a healthier and happier life. Fall comes soon, have something to eat just in case. If nothing else, grow herbs for tea and for spices in your meals. You can make many toiletries from window plants! One aloe will do much for your family. Calendula, lavender, rosemary and so many others are wonderful in salves, lotions and candles. Make your own seasonal incense! Grow things to be used in holiday crafts and gifts! Think on what can be planted outdoors as well. Protect your property lines using shrubs and trees. Grow something which remains green year round. Try cold weather root vegetables. Maybe cabbage is something you can cook with, that will grow nicely this time of year. Ours is very big even though it was only put in the ground a few weeks ago. Much of our vegetable gardens had a late start. We are just now getting tomatoes in the gardens and in the windows. We did not bother with much of the usual as so much died last year due to high temps and direct sun. The sun is our beloved friend and we require its rays. Do not fear the sun! Do try to protect plants from excess heat, think on garden covers which let filtered light through when there is too much bright light. Do not blame the sun, there are those who tamper with this and that. If you wish to learn more sit quietly and ask to be informed of all which is not organic, not at all natural to our planet. Earth is strong and she will continue to find ways to create balance. We can send her energy and support. Give Gaia appreciation and she will thrive.
What happens in the skies and in our charts is crucial, we must learn to pay attention.
I would like to recommend that you watch the following shared site for universal energy updates.
Many advertise their skills but few are to be trusted. Watch for those who do not advertise their services and talents so much, as those people tend to be the shining ones supported by source and spirit, who are already in touch with their innernet! Though I do not always agree with political options (as I am not a fan of government in general) I do find every word shared on this site to be deeply needed during these times. Do check it out, often. Spread the word!
Thank you for reading, and so much love to you!
The Sage Cottage 💗