There is purpose and there is LOVE in our shared words. We have important messages for fellow humans. We ADORE YOU. We wish you WELL! At all times we think of you. We know your achievements and your struggles as they are our own! We UNDERSTAND. In this post you will find solutions, ways to turn the vibration around in your favor! The Sage Cottage SPECIALIZES in correcting energy, this is our jam. We simply wish you whole and happy. So It Is!
In the new age of "technology", "smart" devices are clearly dumbing down the masses. The human body is sensitive and cannot handle the unnatural frequencies of today's electronics and Wi-Fi.
When feeling less than centered, not quite one's self, it is important to make use of Gaia's healing. Try these acts:
1 - Sit quietly, free from electronic sounds of any sort, and out of reach of the hazards of WI-FI (We Fry!) and all devices of today's "technology" so that one may connect with the body's own true technology, and communicate openly with one's higher self and guides or helpers. This is what we call the inner-net, and there is much data to be found when making use of it!
2 - Receive SUNLIGHT to the skin, and plenty of it, DAILY! Without natural Vitamin D we shall perish. This is why we do not live entirely underground. Receive the sun's rays to the eyes, free of "UV protective" lenses. We cannot look directly at the sun so we must peek at its rays while the sun is positioned behind trees or hills. Look up Sun Gazing for tips! Gathering sunlight into the eyes activates our body to process and make proper use of stored Vitamin D. Many foods can be dried in the sun to store Vitamin D for up to one year, such as certain mushrooms. Use your technological devices to learn more about this, or better yet use actual books!
3 - Touch the earth. Walk or stand barefoot. Look up Earthing!
4- Breathe in while counting to twenty. Breathe out while counting to twenty. Repeat until present in the moment and feeling calm, and centered.
5 - Rub your face and head from bridge of nose to back of skull, using fingers or hands, or using magnets or hematite.
6 - Use fingers to tap on heart, tap on forehead, tap on wrist. Look up Tapping!
7 - Apply Magnesium in a cream or lotion form. We desperately require its healing benefits!
8 - Support the digestive functions of the body. Probiotics, fermented foods and drinks, and supplements such as astragalus root and DGL may be helpful. We enjoy apples, ginger, peppermint and cinnamon daily.
9 - Many supplements and teas enhance mood. We enjoy lemon balm and GABA daily.
10 - There is great power in what you consume, and in what your skin takes in! Be sure to detox from unhealthy surroundings and unnatural substances. We enjoy milk thistle, charcoal, bentonite clay, cat's claw, spirulina, chorella, green vegetables, colorful fruits and vegetables, cilantro, parsley, thyme, celery, hemp seed, chia seed, flax seed, and juicing daily as needed. Grow foods and herbs to ensure proper nutrition. Cook foods and brew teas to use your metaphysical skills in acts of alchemy! Look up Feng Shui and the importance of using your stove and oven!
11 - Please get rest. Spend time doing nothing but day dreaming and looking at nature. Give yourself many hours of sleep at night or when you require it. Do not sleep with digital alarm clocks, cordless phones or cellular phones, television sets or any type of "technology" in your sacred space. Much negativity travels by way of such devices. "Smart" devices make changes to us without our understanding or approval! We enjoy use of a manual/simple battery operated alarm clock, and lifestyles which allow for waking naturally to the sun's rays when possible. The body does want to set its schedule according to natural light. If one wishes to live this way, the universe will support such methods!
12 - Allow your mind, body and spirit the time to heal and to download dimensional magic during time spent outdoors at night!
13 - SLOW DOWN. You chose this life during this time frame for a purpose. Take TIME to connect with your life's passion!
14 - Use scents for healing and for support. Look up Aromatherapy! We enjoy frankincense and lavender daily. Add myrrh and you have a magic potion for dealing with change!
15 - Sense what may assist! Listen to Self! Try any sort of activity which supports health! Hug a tree, activate your crystals, ask Self to share what might be needed most for healing, talk with a plant, hang out with a pet, soak in Epsom salt, stand in a creek, walk by the sea, listen to the sound of birds or of water or of the night, hold your heart chakra next to another's. *Shower in cold water, stand or swim or bathe in cold water! Cold water removes ALL WHICH IS NEGATIVE! Remember this! Be well 💗
Think on this - Life is black and white, yin and yang, positive and negative...The black and white dance floor, the black and white chess board. When much negativity requires clearing, and a low vibrating control system wishes for Gaia to continue on a downward spiral of misery, the quickest way to muck up the waters is to chatter notions (YOUR DEVICES, AND YOUR DEVICES' TOWERS ALL COMMUNICATE/VIBRATE, SHARE INFORMATION, MANIPULATE THE MIND/BODY/SPIRIT) at those most easily swayed, "inspiring" or DIRECTING them to do something or to make something, disguised to be BELIEVED to be a helpful act or service, when what is offered or shared only makes matters much worse. This is also why we DO NOT select products or services of a spiritual nature from those working with their "smart" phones! Research what is happening to those constantly plugged in to that type of vibration! We also suggest avoiding any spiritualist offering apps, or any type of systems keeping you online, receiving the energy of the Internet, The Web. Meditate on this.
If able, protect Self from EMFs, and the blue light of device screens, and especially from WI-FI (We Fry!) by using a computer connection via direct cable with Airplane mode ON, with an anti-blue light screen protector installed, while surrounded by EMF absorbing plants, EMF cancelling stones and crystals, Obolix and Orgonite, and always while keeping a positive attitude. Never play with the Internet late at night while looking for trouble, as trouble you shall find!
Countless crystals protect us from all sorts of harm. For EMF protection as well as general safety while using The Web, we like black tourmaline, selenite, amethyst, moldavite, citrine, shungite, fluorite, pyrite, hematite, or our own locally sourced Eastonite.
(Basalt in gardens is HIGHLY SUGGESTED at this point! Limestone and calcite are also required.)
A little Eastonite goes a long way! We sell the rare crystals in raw form:
FAQs, and tips for protecting your own spiritual energy:
In the new age of "technology", "smart" devices are clearly dumbing down the masses. The human body is sensitive and cannot handle the unnatural frequencies of today's electronics and Wi-Fi.
When feeling less than centered, not quite one's self, it is important to make use of Gaia's healing. Try these acts:
1 - Sit quietly, free from electronic sounds of any sort, and out of reach of the hazards of WI-FI (We Fry!) and all devices of today's "technology" so that one may connect with the body's own true technology, and communicate openly with one's higher self and guides or helpers. This is what we call the inner-net, and there is much data to be found when making use of it!
2 - Receive SUNLIGHT to the skin, and plenty of it, DAILY! Without natural Vitamin D we shall perish. This is why we do not live entirely underground. Receive the sun's rays to the eyes, free of "UV protective" lenses. We cannot look directly at the sun so we must peek at its rays while the sun is positioned behind trees or hills. Look up Sun Gazing for tips! Gathering sunlight into the eyes activates our body to process and make proper use of stored Vitamin D. Many foods can be dried in the sun to store Vitamin D for up to one year, such as certain mushrooms. Use your technological devices to learn more about this, or better yet use actual books!
3 - Touch the earth. Walk or stand barefoot. Look up Earthing!
4- Breathe in while counting to twenty. Breathe out while counting to twenty. Repeat until present in the moment and feeling calm, and centered.
5 - Rub your face and head from bridge of nose to back of skull, using fingers or hands, or using magnets or hematite.
6 - Use fingers to tap on heart, tap on forehead, tap on wrist. Look up Tapping!
7 - Apply Magnesium in a cream or lotion form. We desperately require its healing benefits!
8 - Support the digestive functions of the body. Probiotics, fermented foods and drinks, and supplements such as astragalus root and DGL may be helpful. We enjoy apples, ginger, peppermint and cinnamon daily.
9 - Many supplements and teas enhance mood. We enjoy lemon balm and GABA daily.
10 - There is great power in what you consume, and in what your skin takes in! Be sure to detox from unhealthy surroundings and unnatural substances. We enjoy milk thistle, charcoal, bentonite clay, cat's claw, spirulina, chorella, green vegetables, colorful fruits and vegetables, cilantro, parsley, thyme, celery, hemp seed, chia seed, flax seed, and juicing daily as needed. Grow foods and herbs to ensure proper nutrition. Cook foods and brew teas to use your metaphysical skills in acts of alchemy! Look up Feng Shui and the importance of using your stove and oven!
11 - Please get rest. Spend time doing nothing but day dreaming and looking at nature. Give yourself many hours of sleep at night or when you require it. Do not sleep with digital alarm clocks, cordless phones or cellular phones, television sets or any type of "technology" in your sacred space. Much negativity travels by way of such devices. "Smart" devices make changes to us without our understanding or approval! We enjoy use of a manual/simple battery operated alarm clock, and lifestyles which allow for waking naturally to the sun's rays when possible. The body does want to set its schedule according to natural light. If one wishes to live this way, the universe will support such methods!
12 - Allow your mind, body and spirit the time to heal and to download dimensional magic during time spent outdoors at night!
13 - SLOW DOWN. You chose this life during this time frame for a purpose. Take TIME to connect with your life's passion!
14 - Use scents for healing and for support. Look up Aromatherapy! We enjoy frankincense and lavender daily. Add myrrh and you have a magic potion for dealing with change!
15 - Sense what may assist! Listen to Self! Try any sort of activity which supports health! Hug a tree, activate your crystals, ask Self to share what might be needed most for healing, talk with a plant, hang out with a pet, soak in Epsom salt, stand in a creek, walk by the sea, listen to the sound of birds or of water or of the night, hold your heart chakra next to another's. *Shower in cold water, stand or swim or bathe in cold water! Cold water removes ALL WHICH IS NEGATIVE! Remember this! Be well 💗
Think on this - Life is black and white, yin and yang, positive and negative...The black and white dance floor, the black and white chess board. When much negativity requires clearing, and a low vibrating control system wishes for Gaia to continue on a downward spiral of misery, the quickest way to muck up the waters is to chatter notions (YOUR DEVICES, AND YOUR DEVICES' TOWERS ALL COMMUNICATE/VIBRATE, SHARE INFORMATION, MANIPULATE THE MIND/BODY/SPIRIT) at those most easily swayed, "inspiring" or DIRECTING them to do something or to make something, disguised to be BELIEVED to be a helpful act or service, when what is offered or shared only makes matters much worse. This is also why we DO NOT select products or services of a spiritual nature from those working with their "smart" phones! Research what is happening to those constantly plugged in to that type of vibration! We also suggest avoiding any spiritualist offering apps, or any type of systems keeping you online, receiving the energy of the Internet, The Web. Meditate on this.
If able, protect Self from EMFs, and the blue light of device screens, and especially from WI-FI (We Fry!) by using a computer connection via direct cable with Airplane mode ON, with an anti-blue light screen protector installed, while surrounded by EMF absorbing plants, EMF cancelling stones and crystals, Obolix and Orgonite, and always while keeping a positive attitude. Never play with the Internet late at night while looking for trouble, as trouble you shall find!
Countless crystals protect us from all sorts of harm. For EMF protection as well as general safety while using The Web, we like black tourmaline, selenite, amethyst, moldavite, citrine, shungite, fluorite, pyrite, hematite, or our own locally sourced Eastonite.
(Basalt in gardens is HIGHLY SUGGESTED at this point! Limestone and calcite are also required.)
A little Eastonite goes a long way! We sell the rare crystals in raw form:
FAQs, and tips for protecting your own spiritual energy: